The “challenge” for ECA project (Este Court Archives), started in 2011 thanks to a Culture 2000 funding from the European Commission, has always been the reconstitution of the heritage scattered over the centuries by reassigning to every work of art the proper value, a value that can only be assessed and understood through comparing all the single pieces of a collection and analyzing all the connections between them and their cultural background. The final output has been a WEB catalogue highly specialized from the artistic and historical point of view but also easy to use, since easy is the research system adopted ; this catalogue represents a useful tool to learn more about the art and the culture revolving around Ferrara and the Este family.
The Consortium in charge of this project since 2002 is constituted by the Ferrara Province (leader and promoter of the project) , CINECA ( for technological support) and by some of the most important Museums and Picture Galleries all over Europe that can number among their collections some pieces belonging to the ancient Este heritage:
Some more remarkable partners must be mentioned:
- Moscow Hermitage - Saint Petersburg
- l’Istituto dei Beni Artistici e Culturali dell’Emilia Romagna
- Soprintendenza per i beni storici, artistici ed etnoantropologici di Bologna
- Musei Civici di arte antica di Ferrara